Wednesday, December 30, 2009
30th Dec
Decided to be back into the swimming "scene".. Not competition. lah. Took life saving 1-3 and Bronze Medallion. Started coaching too..
Changed job in this economic turbulent year. The most amazing thing is it happened when I have accepted fate and decided to stay. Ironic.. =( 命运作弄人吧。
Took my advance diving with WY. Challenging cos the last time i dived was 2 yrs ago when I took my basic diving. But it was nontheless fun with WY and other young ppl.. Yesh.. i'm old..
Managed to continue tuitioning..
Finished a book in a wk..
Went Phuket with BFFs.. Our next trip after our Aussie trip 2 yrs ago.. Even though it was a short trip, but it was something I cherish and will remember.. Appreciate the time spent together, played tennis, snorkel, cam whore, eat, sleep etc..
Went on Biz trip for stockcount to shenzhen.. En route to HK..Luvz though I cant sleep.. haha..
What an eventful year...
Disasters tt happened in 2009:
88 水灾 - 台湾
Leyman Brother collapsed, marked the start of the worse economic recession in the greatest economy - USA. GE, Ford failing.. US Govt using dunno how many zillions of dollars to save AIG and Citi..
H1N1 disease - Though it's not as severe as SARS, but it's fatal.
I will continue to add on if i recall any other events.
Now, I am grateful that:
- I have food on the table
- I have a job
- I am healthy
- I can swim, run and play
- I have my loved ones
- I am breathing
There were many people who have faced many adversities in their lives.
They worked so hard, much much harder than me, just to have food to fill. Not to say good food.
Some do not have a shelter over their head and were thankful that they have a place to sleep.
Some went through excruciating pain and agony just to see the next day light.
They were all happy that their fundamental needs were met. Y are we overthinking on our goals, dreams and wishes? If only ..... How nice if...
Since we are so much more fortunate than others, why not give them some. It doesnt need to come in terms of monetary. It can be a smile, ur listen ear, helping hand, a Thank You!, etc. It may seem insignificant for the person who give, but it means alot to the receiver.
Have you come across a time when someone accompanied you when you were feeling down. But he/she was by ur side to tide u thru the down moments and help u to see light. You were so grateful for her help. But the person might not think that she has done alot of you. She jus spent time with u.. Imagine someone tells u tt what u hav done has a huge impact on her and how it has helped her.
I have finished reading "My sister's keeper". Thoughts triggering abt life.
Read through my behaviour profiling.. My profile is a counsellor.. Want happiness and peace. Team player and influencing.. etc.. will elaborate in my next entry..
Thankful for everything tt I have! =)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Some interesting Shit Stories tt I came across
Morals of the story?
1) Not everyone who drops shit on you is your enemy.
2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
3) When you’re in deep shit, it might be better just to keep your mouth shut.
A turkey was chatting with a bull. “I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I haven’t got the energy.” “Well, why don’t you nibble on some of my droppings?” replied the bull. “They’re packed with nutrients.” The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.
The moral of the story?
Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” The crow answered: “Sure, why not.” So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
The moral of the story?
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
A priest was driving along and saw a nun on the side of the road, he stopped and offered her a lift which she gladly accepted. She got in and Crossed her legs, forcing her gown to open and reveal a lovely leg. The priest had a look and nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg. The nun looked at him and immediately said, “Father, remember psalm 129?” The priest was flustered and apologized profusely. He forced himself to remove his hand. However, he was unable to remove his eyes from her leg. Further on, while changing gear, he let his hand slide up leg again. The nun once again said, “Father, remember psalm 129?” Once again the priest apologized. “Sorry sister, but the mind is weak.” Arriving at the convent, the nun got out, gave him a meaningful glance and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to retrieve a bible and looked up psalm129. It said, “Go forth and seek; further up, and you will find glory.”
The moral of the story?
Always be well informed in your job; Or you might miss a great opportunity.
24-26Dec 2009
25 (Fri): Finally I have the chance to sleep in!!! yeah.. undisturb sleep till11 plus.. Shiok.. Had breakfast with parents in JP. We walked and shop around b4 heading back home.. Slept a while, then did housework.. Then started to prepare the pasta.. I cooked too much pasta.. haha.. i thought 1 pack feeds abt 3 ppl.. Since there's 6, so 2 packs loh.. After cooking the pasta, they turned out to fill 2 large trays.. Can feed 10 ppl.. haha.. then I used half of the pasta.. It's challenging to stir fry the load of pasta in the wok.... Muscles were involved in cooking too.. It's damn heavy to carry the pasta to 's hse.. Luckily she stays just1 st away.. We stuffed ourselves silly with all the food.. HH's chicked wings and drumlets were nice.. the use of a special cooker. B's spring roll and wedges were nice too.. So were the others.. There were wastages too.. haha.. Played Wii, dog and bone and asshole dai dee... Left around 1120.. Went home to watch 绝对男友。。。Knight is so shuave.. Watched till 130am but the show did not end.. I cant take it already.. so had to sleep cos i need to wake up at 7 for lesson.. Pui.. I dono the ending for tt show.. going to youtube to find the answer..
26 (Sat): Quite a shitty day for me.. Abt coaching.. Lazy to type..
Loved this song in 绝对男友.. But I dono the name of this song..
Some phases from "Me Sister's Keeper"
"Pandora was given a box that she was forbidden to open. Pandora's curiousity got the better of her. Out came plagues and misery and mischief. She managed to shut the lid tight before hope escaped. It's the only weapon we have left to fight others".
Looking forward to yr end count down at B's hse.. I'm not a nerd..
Monday, December 21, 2009
Back to work
Random.. Was searching at youtube for Yoga Lin.. This is the first time i have seen the compilation of all his popular songs during his competition..
Like another song from Yoga's latest album: 耳朵 - 林宥嘉
林宥嘉 - 耳朵
作曲:陈小霞 作词:姚若龙
太亲密的关系 像不像海底
看着温柔的草 美丽的鱼
屏息太久 一瞬间快不能呼吸
当着最爱的人 面无表情
躲在自己的世界 混乱或战栗
翻完我的简讯 我的信
能不能 顺便翻翻我的心情
当爱情只剩嘴巴 少了耳朵
当感应在你我之间 不再流动
该怎么说 没死不代表活着
当爱情只剩眼睛 少了耳朵
我努力越解释 你越流泪激动
但有些事不仔细听 不会懂
翻完我的简讯 我的信
能不能 顺便翻翻我的心情
当爱情只剩嘴巴 少了耳朵
当感应在你我之间 不再流动
该怎么说 没死不代表活着
当爱情只剩眼睛 少了耳朵
我努力越解释 你越流泪激动
但有些事不仔细听 不会懂
Sometimes it's not enough to just rely on 1 of ur senses. Wat u see might not be wat it is, wat u feel might not be reliable, Wat u hear is not true..
So difficult..
Sunday, December 20, 2009
18/12/09- 20/12/09
Wanted to meet LD, but was really lazy to travel.. just wanted to nuah at home.. I cant sleep tt nite.. Either it's bcos i drank milk tea at 10pm or i tried to sleep after my normal sleeping hrs.. only fell asleep at 3... Puey..
19/12: Woke up at 730 to go for first aid course at chinatown.. was quite interesting.. But i missed abit cos i didnt go on fri..haha.. skip lesson even though i'm on leave.. best liao.. haha.. then i packed all my clothes and makeup and shoes cos i plan to go A's hse to wash up as she stays in town.. then i can save on travelling time.. but the first aid ended at 330.. super early.. so in the end, i went home with my big bag.. I'm too lazy to edit my pics on ppt..
~here it's me ready to go~

~It's most of my EY colleagues.. Indian dance gp... so happi to see all of them.. Closest working frens.. Maybe cos we were all the same age and all from the same uni.. Waiting for photos from CL, the one with take with SY (bride) =)~
20/12 (Sun): Woke up late at 745.. go for first aid course. end at 330. went JP with R and K to meet ZW at Jp for dinner. HH, B and S met us later for dinner.. =) Pass first aid liao..
I feel tt i didnt rest properly he 3 days of leave. I had to wake up early every day.. avg 730 - 830.. Peng.. even earlier then when i work.. Not to say to sleep in.. very sian.. not fated to sleep in..
I plan to sleep at 11 tonite.. =) need my beauty sleep.. haha
羅志祥【幸福不滅 Cause I Believe】MV完整版
Luv this song.. =) especially when this song is played at the most touching scenes
Thursday, December 17, 2009
16 Dec 2009 and 17 Dec 2009

~ We were at Timber at Old School near PS. We over ordered.. We had Garlic bread, wine, timber wings,buffulo wings, roast duck pizza, Xmas pizza and seafood platter..~
~We did our annual xmas exchange. Here's who gave who and what pressie. I gave PZ swimming costume and planner, PZ gave WY CK makeup pouch WY gave XQ perfume, XQ gave LD a spag top and LD gave me bra set.~
Wanted to go ECP to roller blade with ZW, B, R and AW. But it rained in the morning.. SO san.. Twas, plan changed. We met from breakie at Toastbox and second round at MAC. Adjourned to B's hse to play Wii! FUN! =)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Boring Nights without 学警出更
Back from a shopping trip at Jurong Point..
Bought a winter jacket from Esprit for Feb China trip. Bought assessment books from my tuition kids. Bought a book- "Sisters Keeper" to keep myself entertained for the 3 days..
There's no more 学警出更 starting from today (14/12). Bored.. Yawnz.. But I still need to keep myself awake until 1130 for 篮球火。。
I definitely love police/ gangster theme HK drama.. SO ept..
Nothing to blog, nothing to do..
Nothing to look fwd to for my 3 days leave starting from this wed...
No swimming
I dun wan to be like this..
11 Dec to 13 Dec
12 (Sat): Sianz.. Woke up at 7am to teach swimming.. hate it... Then cab to Bird Park for company day... ate lunch then went to the Dino thingy.. th Dino thing is not nice at all.. then I didnt walk around the bird park cos i was super tired..then jus went home at 3 plus.. i napped from 430 to 6pm.. stil feeling bery tired =( ate my dinner and mopped the floor.. Went out for tuition... super long and packed sat..
13 (Sun): Attended leadership course at PAYM.. woke up at 730am..so early again. Even earlier then going for work.. =( I want to sleep in.. I think my bed miss me too.. haha.. The event is more on give us an overview of PAYM and PA, and the we broke into smaller groups for discussion. The discussions revolved abt the obstacles we faced and how we can solve it.. But I feel these problems were already prevailing years ago.. But there are still challenges to resolve them.. Haiz.. It's always hard to do volunteer work one lah.. Then an advisor gave a speech on volunteering and leadership. Ended at 530pm.. then homed and had dinner.. Went JP to look for winter jackets with parents.. It's for our china trip in Feb =) Then met ZW,B and R at Starbucks for drinks.. =)
It will be long long wkend for me again next wk..
I want to stop teaching swimming.. haha.. so fast.. =( but the travelling time is too long and I dun want to wake up at 7am on sat.. *pueyy*
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tiring wkend
Sat (5/12): Woke up at 7am for coaching. Rushed to Nacli for CCMC team building around 2pm. Played team building games.. The had BBQ dinner.. Feeling super tired at arounf 5 plus.. but still hav to tong.. Went back to CC at 830pm...cont to have meeting.. already cant take it liao.. eyes r dry and mind to not working at all.. Reach at 10plus.. Totally concuss when I reached home.. But stil checked email and stuff.. Cos I'm afraid I hav no time to do it on sat.
I dunno why my skin becomes whitish and scaly after I teach at sports school.. I wonder it's the chlorine they use.. The water tasted super salty.. like miso soup.. haha..
SUn (6/12). WOke up at 830 for tuition. Then met LD and XQ for a swim at bt batok CSC.. Then hav late lunch and homed.
Still feeling tired.. Need to go and take a nap soon..