This is me with my 1 yr old birthday cake.. It's the cake with pig.. the yr that I'm born in..=) Not fair.. my bro got to take this 1 yr old photo in a studio.. This photo is taken at pandan gardens at my Grandma's old flat.. the place I stayed for 2 yrs since I was born.

I think this photo is taken in Yaohan (eh.. similar to my chinese name wo), the place which my aunt and my mum used to work. =)

My cousin and I.. i like this pic cos my eyes looked bigger than usual.

Oso me and my bro.. looked demure.. haha.. so different from now..

Group photos with cousins... taken at grandma's hse..
(from left to right: counsin 1, me, bro and cousin 2)

Candid Family Shot... on the left is my Gu Gu with her sons.. then centre are my cousins (appeared in the earlier photo), ah ma and me, then slightly on the right is my bro trying very hard to deciphere a book.. haha.. then on the right is my aunt laughing.. =) Looking at this photo i suddenly missed my grandma.. she has passed away 6 yrs ago.. but the image of her was still vivid.. my fondest memory of her was when my bro and I stayed at her hse for a wk cos my parents when to Thailand for hols. I still remembered the things we did at her hse everyday.. it was pretty routine.. woke up for breakfast or went to the mkt her ah ma.. then helped her to prepare for lunch.. i will alwas pester my ah ma to let me chop the garlic for her.. and showed my supreme cutting skills mimicing how the big chefs did on TV.. u noe wat i mean lah.. then i will try to fry the garlic and vege too.. so fun.. cos my mum will nvr let me try it at home.. but ah ma owas will give in after some pestering and sai naiing.. Then at 2plus we will set on the sofa in front of the TV waiting impatiently for our fav repeated tv program.. forgot wat show it was, but it was our sole form of entertainment.. while we will waiting for the show to start i will keep asking ah ma her past ghostly encounters or weird experiences... one was pretty scary.. there was one nite when it suddenly blew ghastly and strong wind in the middle of the nite.. then my ah ma heard loud chain dragging on the floor kind of sound from the corridor.. it's like prisoner who was chained on the feet and walking with loose chains being dragged while walking.. then the next morning, my grandma got to noe that her neighbour (old lady) passed away. they were saying that the death god's guards came and took the old lady with them.. wonder it's pure coincidence or it's true.. there were other little stories told by my ah ma which mesmerised my little mind, fully absorbed in the mysterious stories..
Then it's bathing time. sometimes i was super cheeky where i peeked at ah ma.. haha.. not going to share how i do it.. my ah ma is diabetic and she will use this strip and put it in her urine to test whether her sugar level is normal.. we will usually used it to test our urine too.. haha..
then it's dinner time, where the exciting food preparation time starts again... then our little uncle is back from work and have dinner with us... =) it's oso the onli time whereby we can have our meals in front of TV.. my mum forbade us from doing tt at home.. so it's super nice to be at ah ma's home..
Then time to sleep.. i slept with ah mah, bro slept with little uncle. then ah mah said i kicked her when i was sleeping.. opps ..
so everyday was the same, me doin and asking ah ma the same qns, ah mah will give me the same ans.. my bro had an even better time then me, he gets to eat all he wans, food that my mum forbade him, ie chicken backside. he can da bian for like 5 times daily, which was a record.. haha.. then at the end of 7 days, my bro put on alot of weight and my mum could not recognised him.
My grandma went thru alot with her illness, diabeties and high blood pressure. Close to the end for her life, she had kidney failure (cause by the long yrs of taking medicine), triggered stroke.. that was where she was bed ridden and she was stripped with all the tubes and had to rely on life supporting aids. the sight of her made me tear everytime i visited her.. even now when i am writing this, tears swirl in my eyes with the image of her in the ICU. She was better after some time and was warded in the normal room. but she was conscious but unable to speak. I will touch her hand but she will try to speak with no voice. then she will start to cry.. i tried hard to control my tears to make her feel better. but it jus breaks my heart to see her in such pain. Her ankle and wrist were bruised after all the injections and needles were inserted at the same spot for a prolong period of time for dialysis. There was a time where they could find no spot to insert the needle.
This all happened during the chinese new year.. she wanted to hold on after the chinese new yr, but she had to go on the 13th day of CNY. I didnt see her on the day after she passed away cos i had a paper to take in JC. I flung that paper badly cos i couldnt think of anything and i started to cry during the test. I thought i will not cry, but i still did.. but she died peacefully in her sleep..maybe it's just a relief for her.
My ah mah is a kind hearted and humble person. Soft spoken and speaks mainly hokkien. But she tries to speak to us in mandarin with a mixture of hokkien. but i hope i could have more time to xiao shun her.. yes, i'm already tearing..
I luv my ah ma..
let me cont with the rest of my my pics.
Went for my uncle in mysia's wedding

My heng dai- b4 going to haw par villa

AT Haw Par villa

At Beauty World's KFC- My bro's bdae
Waiting for the food to come

My hungry looking face.. haha

I think my bro looks really cute in this pic

Dance performance in K2. The fisherman's dance.. i think the song was: Hai lang tao tao wo bu pa.. etc...

My bday party with some of my relatives.. =)

Taken along Orchard road..

Taken in Genting with my mum

That's abt it when i was young... i believe they were my fondest and most vivid memories.. Primary, sec and JC memories were blurry and passed in a flash. maybe cos of sch.. i was scared the wits out of me when i first entered K1 and P1.. I hated going to sch initially cos of the unfamiliar environment and faces.. but soon i got the hang of it and everything just went well..
I really believe everyone has got something that is precious and memorable to them. Things which they hold strongly to their principles, their soft spots... everyone is different. But oso learn to look at the good of ppl rather than their shortcomings. Nobody fits perfectly to another one. It's only when you appreciates their goodness then you will be attracted to it. Nobody is perfect. Imagine a balance with one of its end loaded with all the goodness. The balance is not in equilibrium and hence not perfect. Perfect equals to imperfect.
I was really unhappy before. then i recovered and went down again.. things come and go.. let it go once it has passed. Tok and grumble abt it, it will pass in no time. BUt nvr take it out on ur loved ones. they r innocent but they r usually in the vicinity to be "attacked" by u.. wrong timing and wrong mood.. I really learnt tt i shld ctl my temper better and not let unhappiness from outside affect me at home...
Yes, i have changed.. from bad to better...a
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