Last post, I mentioned about the books that I read recently, so one of which called: The little black dress - Memoirs (if i remember correctly). Is about a girl who have been through 2 bad marriages and now she wants to leave her countryside to New York in search of a new life. Her father is a writer for a famous magazine and he referred her to an editor for the position as her assistant. However, she's mean, demanding and difficult to please boss. She managed to work quite well with her. Her boss is competitive and was trying to please the magazine's big boss. She had plastic surgeries to please him and became his mistress. Ppl in their industry had lots of crazy parties with alcohol and drugs. They are in it, just to be part of the group. The main lead chose not to go cos dislikes it and she doesnt want to be in it to climb the corporate ladder. On the contrary, the editor chose to go. After a long night of partying, they returned to their own apartment to nurse their hangover. So lonely.
The magazine big boss's found out about the affair between his husband and the editor. So he magazine biss boss neither support the editor's new book nor promoting her. She lost her power and dominance in the office. In the end, her book didnt sell and she lost her job. Nobody sympathise with her. In fact, they celcbrated on her departure.
There were so many things to learn from the story of the two ladies which is difficult for me to pen down and remember. The few which I believe are:
1) Stay true to yourself and to use your hard wark to earn what you want to achieve
2) Find true friend not partying acquaintences
3) Be nice to ppl and dun spoil relationships
4) Take or accept things tt belongs to you
Another book is "The 24 carrot manager". It talks about the use of "carrots" to motivative employees. Too lazy to write about it..
Had a busy week cos need to work at home on last sun - wed. Soo looking forward to next week, Universal Studio on Fri, Night cycling on Fri too.. =)
Next wkend going to Bintan for YEC retreat and next wkend will be flying to Nihon for 2 weeks!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Finally got time to blog =)
After sooooooooooooo long, I finally forced myself to blog.. haiz... back to the busy busy schedule again.. swimming is taking up so much of my time.. almost the whole sat even though it's only 3 hrs.. i woke up at 10, check email, then out for my post lasik check appt, rushed back to swim at 3-6, ate dinner, home at 930, then on com to check emails, book stuff then it's already 11!!! OMG... I'm totally *******.. Tomorrow is gonna be worse.. Usually activity in the morning, then YEC meeting, then tennis at 5pm..
Hm.. only to back date my blog to those memorable events..
30Oct (SAT): Halloween @ St James
This is the first I celebrated Halloween with BFFs.. St James is sooooo Crowded.. We entered Butterfly then boiler room till the rest of the nite... I will remember wat wy did 4ever.. the best move ever... hehe.. But will hav to giv her credit for it, cos w/o her, we cant enter boiler.. Powerhouse's queue was still sooooo long at 3am.. why would anyone wanna waste time queuing?? wont feel sleepy one meh?
Hm.. only to back date my blog to those memorable events..
30Oct (SAT): Halloween @ St James
This is the first I celebrated Halloween with BFFs.. St James is sooooo Crowded.. We entered Butterfly then boiler room till the rest of the nite... I will remember wat wy did 4ever.. the best move ever... hehe.. But will hav to giv her credit for it, cos w/o her, we cant enter boiler.. Powerhouse's queue was still sooooo long at 3am.. why would anyone wanna waste time queuing?? wont feel sleepy one meh?
~WY and I are angels for the nite, PZ and XQ are devils~
WY gave us nice nice crystals to stick near our eyes. =)
I realised that the girl behind us looks quite scary..
~Use fruit protector on the head also can ah?!?!~
包公!I give him the best dress award.. plus he's super tall.. can see him from far.. he's also the most popular guy around. Everyone was asking to take photo with him.
This "murderer" want to take pic with me.. He wants to kill "angel"
That's abt all for tt nite...
Then I met BFFs a couple of times for tennis.. =) was great fun.. I bought my tennis shoes too.. =)
I went massage, scrub and jaccuzi... damn shiok.. never massage for a long long time... felt super relax and help to relieve some pain on my ankle.. my ankle was not a good as before after i spained in bali.. =(
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... It didnt save what I typed... and I typed very very long long paras.. i will type it the next time.. soooo tired... yawnss...
Monday, October 11, 2010
8th Oct to 10th Oct 2010 - Busy busy wkend
It's a tiring and busy wkend yet again.. I keep surpassing myself.. not something i'm looking fwd to..
8th Oct (Fri): Night cycling recee at 10pm to the next day 330am. Totally concuss till 1030am the next day.
9th Oct (Sat): Woke up at 1030am then mum told me to help her that day cos she's having fever. So I left home earlier to meet my friend to highlight my hair. Yes, no more black hair.... Then rushed down to the shop to work till 730pm. Ate dinner and watched abit TV and slept..
10th Oct (Sun). Same sunday morning activity, then YEC meeting from 1130 till 3pm, SLC meeting from 3pm to 430pm, home to change for tennis at 5pm. Ate dinner with bestest frens at LD's hse and nuah at her house till 930pm.. Poor LD needs to work at home..
Will I set another crazily busy record the next wkend?!?! I really dun wan tt to be the case..
8th Oct (Fri): Night cycling recee at 10pm to the next day 330am. Totally concuss till 1030am the next day.
9th Oct (Sat): Woke up at 1030am then mum told me to help her that day cos she's having fever. So I left home earlier to meet my friend to highlight my hair. Yes, no more black hair.... Then rushed down to the shop to work till 730pm. Ate dinner and watched abit TV and slept..
10th Oct (Sun). Same sunday morning activity, then YEC meeting from 1130 till 3pm, SLC meeting from 3pm to 430pm, home to change for tennis at 5pm. Ate dinner with bestest frens at LD's hse and nuah at her house till 930pm.. Poor LD needs to work at home..
Will I set another crazily busy record the next wkend?!?! I really dun wan tt to be the case..
Monday, October 4, 2010
I'm so neglecting this blog =(
I am a bad ger.. I have not been spending enough time to blog... but I'm feeling so tired now to blog..=(
Fri (1Oct): Swam after work.. Arms ached on Sat =( this show's how long i haven been swimming
Sat (2Oct): "Swam" again in the afternn.. Then homed for dinner.. Exhausted
Sun (3Oct): Same routine in the morning. Then met babes for late lunch at rider's cafe (51 Fairway Drive) to discuss on our Japan trip..Photos to come later.. Here are the nice nice photos =) credits to XQ's camera
A group photo with all of us!! Love the ambience of Riders' cafe.
Fri (1Oct): Swam after work.. Arms ached on Sat =( this show's how long i haven been swimming
Sat (2Oct): "Swam" again in the afternn.. Then homed for dinner.. Exhausted
Sun (3Oct): Same routine in the morning. Then met babes for late lunch at rider's cafe (51 Fairway Drive) to discuss on our Japan trip..
A group photo with all of us!! Love the ambience of Riders' cafe.
~XQ and I~
~My Breakfast taken at 3pm~
~Groupie with Bestest Frens. Missing PZ~
~Like this serious looking me~
~LD gave us a tiger with wang on the forehead. It's our group's joke.. It's really very cute cos the pic is taken using fish eye effect =)~
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Here's all the update for the past 1.5 mths..
After completed blogging on my bali trip, here's the rest of the updates.
14th Aug (Sat)
Woke up early at around 8am to meet some YEC members to help up at the policy forum at Resort World Sentosa. The policy forum is "Can Singapore Survive?"
After the forum at 4pm, I went to meet the gals at Vivo- Serenity for Spanish food. The food is ok.. It was XQ and I's Bday celeb.
14th Aug (Sat)
Woke up early at around 8am to meet some YEC members to help up at the policy forum at Resort World Sentosa. The policy forum is "Can Singapore Survive?"
After the forum at 4pm, I went to meet the gals at Vivo- Serenity for Spanish food. The food is ok.. It was XQ and I's Bday celeb.
US with 2 new members =)
After my trip from Bali, I was busy busy with work.. Then it came the BIG day, life transforming day.. 26th Aug, I went for my Lasik Surgery at Eagles Eye Centre at Mt Alvernia. It was the best choice which I had made so far. No more hassle on remembering when to change contact lense, change specs, no more trouble to finding my specs in the morning or in the dark etc. I can see once I open my eyes in the morning!
I had 2 days of MC on 26th and 27th. I am able to rest fully on 26th and 27th. I can nap whenver I want, went shopping with mum after my check up on fri. Sat- bery sian. I was on standby at home waiting to work. Sun, on standby again cos they cant finish on sat. Spoilt my 2 days totoally. I started working at 10pm on sun till 2am.. I felt tt I didnt rest my eyes well enough.. Felt damn pek chek. TT was when I started to feel sian abt work.. Hiaz.. the sianess started to accumulate from then till now.. Was on MC on Mon for checkup again. Then reality struck that I need to work on Tues. At tt time, I felt that thurs and fri was the happiest time in my life. Cos i can go shopping with mum, take nap in the afternn, sleep damn early at 10pm.. Felt healthy and normal.
4th Sept- The Frontier YEC 2010 Story Telling Comp at JP1. Went to help out from 830 to 2 pm. Then had meeting with SLC on night cycling. Headed home at 9plus. Super tired.
Then I was super busy after my lasik cos i was away for quite a number of days in Aug. Had to catch.
18th Sept- Company's International Coast Clean up at Tanah Merah Beach. Find me.
19th Sept (sun): Attended FX's wedding. I didnt take any group photos with them cos i didnt bring camera. Only have one cam whore pic of myself. 美肌照。哈哈
25Sept (Sat): Went for follow up checkup for my eyes. Ate Dim Sum with mum at Toa Payoh before my appt. But the dim sum is not nice =( The we went bugis OG shopping.. =) bought a number of things.. My mum bought more than me..
26th Sept (Sun): Today is treat myself well day.. I cooked soba and bought some sushi for lunch today.. =) Nice and simple lunch.
Then I scrubbed my feet with peppermint scrub and removed the thick skin. Nice =) Wanted to buy new phone but plan was disrupted.
So that's all.. Thought I wil take longer to do the update,,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
康熙來了 2010-08-16 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
Too busy lately to blog.. =( Will find time to blog this week..
I'm so backdated in my entries: Bday Celeb, Lasik and meetups..
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 1/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 2/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 3/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 4/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 5/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
I'm so backdated in my entries: Bday Celeb, Lasik and meetups..
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 1/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 2/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 3/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 4/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
康熙來了 2010-08-16 Part 5/5 星光高手齊聚演唱會!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色
Spent 3 hrs editing proposal for YEC, dun wanna write anymore.. SO just did passive activities like you tubing.. hehe
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 1/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 2/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 3/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 4/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 5/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 1/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 2/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 3/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 4/5
2010-09-08 康熙来了 唱歌就是要唱出個人特色 Part 5/5
Saturday, September 11, 2010
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.1/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.2/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.3/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.4/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.5/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.2/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.3/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.4/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
康熙來了 2010-09-02 pt.5/5 演藝圈的衰人大集合?!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
康熙來了 2010-08-27 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.1/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.2/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.3/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.4/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.5/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.2/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.3/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.4/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
康熙來了 2010-08-27 pt.5/5 清晰版 每首歌背後都有一段故事
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Bali trip Day 5 and 6
Day 5
We woke up slightly late than normal and had our breakfast slowly =) We done a little shopping at the alley on our way to kuta beach. =)
There's the popular Bintang beer singlet, necklaces, t shirt to buy for ourselves and frens... =)
We reached kuta beach and signed up for our surfing lesson at Odessey surf school.
~Us on the beach observing how to surf~
~Yeah. I had Bintang beer for lunch. We had a sumptous sefood for lunch, spicy kangkong, fried calamari and something else~
~A horse carriage is spotted~
Day 6
~This is our hotel for 5 nights. The pool looks quite nice but we didnt get the chance to swim~
~My Proud purchase on Day 6. The childhood toy that my dad bought for me when he wen Batam. I cant imagine I can find it in Bali =) ~
The summary of good shopping places:
~ Little shops near Kuta beach
~ The shops along Legian street connecting to Kuta
~ Kuta Square for branded surf shop. They are real pdt so not very cheap
~ Discovery Centre - Air conditioned shopping mall
~ Semyak Square. We went there on Day 3 for dinner. It's a new shopping mall with surf shops and body and soul. I bought a toga top. Nice =)
Things to do in Bali:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
康熙來了 2010-08-19 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.1/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.2/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.3/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.4/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
I also like Liu Zhen's black shoe with liu shu.. It's something which I will like to have too.. =)
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.5/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.2/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.3/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.4/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
I also like Liu Zhen's black shoe with liu shu.. It's something which I will like to have too.. =)
康熙來了 2010-08-19 pt.5/5 清晰版 女明星鞋事五四三
Bali Diving and surfing trip Day 4
3rd Day of Diving
The highlight for the day is to spot Mola Mola. Even though we had spotted 1 Mola Mola yest, I still would like to see more of it.
We went back to Sanur Dive site.
1st Dive Site: Crystal Point. Mola Mola breeding site.
We sighted 2 Mola Molas. They are sea creature which thrive in cold water. It's an amazing sight to see thermal cline (warm and cold water merging area). When I saw thermal cline, I was full of anticipation of the Mola Mola. They are not agressive animals and they will open their little mouth and can stay stationary in water (super good buoyancy).
2nd Dive Site: Crystal Point. Mola Mola breeding site. We dive at this site again as some ppl didnt see Mola Mola. We had some time to jump into the water from the boat, jumped from the deck etc.. =)We sighted 2 more Mola Molas.. And we got close to the mola molas.. so cute =)
3rd Dive Site:S.D. Point
This is a drift dive site. There's alot of corals. But we didnt see any big animals..But there are instances where we were swimming against the current I struggled. =)
The highlight for the day is to spot Mola Mola. Even though we had spotted 1 Mola Mola yest, I still would like to see more of it.
We went back to Sanur Dive site.
1st Dive Site: Crystal Point. Mola Mola breeding site.
We sighted 2 Mola Molas. They are sea creature which thrive in cold water. It's an amazing sight to see thermal cline (warm and cold water merging area). When I saw thermal cline, I was full of anticipation of the Mola Mola. They are not agressive animals and they will open their little mouth and can stay stationary in water (super good buoyancy).
2nd Dive Site: Crystal Point. Mola Mola breeding site. We dive at this site again as some ppl didnt see Mola Mola. We had some time to jump into the water from the boat, jumped from the deck etc.. =)We sighted 2 more Mola Molas.. And we got close to the mola molas.. so cute =)
3rd Dive Site:S.D. Point
This is a drift dive site. There's alot of corals. But we didnt see any big animals..But there are instances where we were swimming against the current I struggled. =)
With this, it marks the end of our diving session. =) It was the best diving trip ever =)
Then it also start our shopping trip and the exploration of Kuta Beach.. We went to Discovery Centre for dinner. We wanted to eat something local, but seem to find any, so the next best thing it's A&W. =) I love the float.. =)
I looked so sun burnt...
We walked to Kuta Beach and found the surf sch which we are going the next day.. We also went to walk at kuta beach.. There are weird kuta boys trying to sell drugs and "mushroom". Till now i still dun know wat's mushroom..
Feeling tired.. We went back to have a good rest cos we r going for Surfing lesson the next day.. =)
To be continued..
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 1/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 2/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 3/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 4/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 5/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 6/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 7/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 8/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 9/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 10/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 11/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 12/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 13/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 14/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 15/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 16/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
Janice is the ultimate winner
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 2/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 3/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 4/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 5/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 6/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 7/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 8/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 9/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 10/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 11/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 12/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 13/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 14/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 15/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
2010-08-22 超级星光大道 Part 16/16 星光傳奇總冠軍賽!
Janice is the ultimate winner
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Everyone is special is his own way
A great article to share with everyone..
RECENTLY heard of a few cases of people suffering depression because they felt lousy about themselves, some to the extent of contemplating drastic measures, like suicide. This has impelled me to share my thoughts on the topic of self-esteem. In a country as affluent as Singapore, where the rich are fast getting richer while the poor find it a struggle to keep pace, the aspect of self-worth or self-esteem features as an important element that needs to be addressed across any individual’s scope of reference. Someone once wrote that self-esteem is about how much you value yourself and how important you think you are. It’s about how you look at yourself and how you feel about the things you have accomplished.
Many people get the wrong impression that self-esteem is all about how great you feel about yourself and visibly demonstrating your confidence and ability, sometimes to the extent of coming across as being boastful. To me, self-esteem is akin to quietly knowing that you are worth a lot, regardless of race, wealth, intelligence or station in life. It’s all about recognising that you are blessed, talented and “priceless”!
This brings to mind Master- Card’s “Priceless” advertising proposition. Dr Jim Farrell, a professor of history and director of American Studies at Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, has commented that MasterCard’s ‘Priceless’ ads are obviously designed to respond to the American public’s worry that everything is being commodified, and that we’re becoming too materialistic”.“So the ads emphasise thethings money can’t buy, the intangibles that make the good life really good.”
You need neither money nor a high position to know that you are worthy of being loved and accepted. Stop for a moment and you will realise that nobody in the entire world is perfect, and that having a positive self-esteem does not stem from material things but from a perception that is within yourself.
I stumbled upon a story recently about a well-known speaker who started his seminar by holding up a $500 note. In the room of 200 people, he asked: “Who would like this $500 note?” Hands started going up. He said: “I am going to give this note to one of you but first let me do this.” He proceeded to crumple the note up. He then asked: “Who still wants it?” Still, the hands went up in the air. “Well, what if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked up the dirty and crumpled note and asked: “Now, who still wants it?” Still the hands shot up. The valuable lesson this speaker was trying to inculcate in his audience had to do with “value”. No matter what he did to the money, the people still wanted the note because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $500.
Friends, I’m sure you realise that life never promises to be a bed of roses. All of us go through ups and downs, with more downs than ups sometimes. Yes, there are occasions we are made to feel like the $500 note – dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt, to the extent that we feel as though we are worthless.
We live through situations that come by us and we make decisions to the best of our ability. But things don’t always end up the way we want them to be. But, regardless of what transpires or what will transpire in the future, you need to remember that you – just like the note – will never lose your value.
All of us are special in our own right.
Someone once said: “Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.”
So lift your head high and recognise that “value has a value only if its value is valued”!
RECENTLY heard of a few cases of people suffering depression because they felt lousy about themselves, some to the extent of contemplating drastic measures, like suicide. This has impelled me to share my thoughts on the topic of self-esteem. In a country as affluent as Singapore, where the rich are fast getting richer while the poor find it a struggle to keep pace, the aspect of self-worth or self-esteem features as an important element that needs to be addressed across any individual’s scope of reference. Someone once wrote that self-esteem is about how much you value yourself and how important you think you are. It’s about how you look at yourself and how you feel about the things you have accomplished.
Many people get the wrong impression that self-esteem is all about how great you feel about yourself and visibly demonstrating your confidence and ability, sometimes to the extent of coming across as being boastful. To me, self-esteem is akin to quietly knowing that you are worth a lot, regardless of race, wealth, intelligence or station in life. It’s all about recognising that you are blessed, talented and “priceless”!
This brings to mind Master- Card’s “Priceless” advertising proposition. Dr Jim Farrell, a professor of history and director of American Studies at Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, has commented that MasterCard’s ‘Priceless’ ads are obviously designed to respond to the American public’s worry that everything is being commodified, and that we’re becoming too materialistic”.“So the ads emphasise thethings money can’t buy, the intangibles that make the good life really good.”
You need neither money nor a high position to know that you are worthy of being loved and accepted. Stop for a moment and you will realise that nobody in the entire world is perfect, and that having a positive self-esteem does not stem from material things but from a perception that is within yourself.
I stumbled upon a story recently about a well-known speaker who started his seminar by holding up a $500 note. In the room of 200 people, he asked: “Who would like this $500 note?” Hands started going up. He said: “I am going to give this note to one of you but first let me do this.” He proceeded to crumple the note up. He then asked: “Who still wants it?” Still, the hands went up in the air. “Well, what if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked up the dirty and crumpled note and asked: “Now, who still wants it?” Still the hands shot up. The valuable lesson this speaker was trying to inculcate in his audience had to do with “value”. No matter what he did to the money, the people still wanted the note because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $500.
Friends, I’m sure you realise that life never promises to be a bed of roses. All of us go through ups and downs, with more downs than ups sometimes. Yes, there are occasions we are made to feel like the $500 note – dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt, to the extent that we feel as though we are worthless.
We live through situations that come by us and we make decisions to the best of our ability. But things don’t always end up the way we want them to be. But, regardless of what transpires or what will transpire in the future, you need to remember that you – just like the note – will never lose your value.
All of us are special in our own right.
Someone once said: “Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.”
So lift your head high and recognise that “value has a value only if its value is valued”!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 3 in Bali - Diving
Day 3 in Bali
Our dive instructors: L-R: Jimie, Wadu and Heatler
First Dive: Manta Point - The place to see Manta Rays
We swam to the huge boulders in search on the Manta Rays.. There was 1 swimming towards it.. =) They were super graceful.. 1 flip of their fins, they can move soooo far.. I feel so handicap in water and I sawm slower than the small fishes.. =(
After I'm on the boat, I was feeling quesy.. Then I drank some water.. Then before I could control, I merlioned.. =( I fed my breakfast to the fishes..
Video tt I koped from You tube on Manta Rays- This breed of Manta is different from the one I saw. The front part of the Manta is diff...
Second dive: Manta Point again as some of them didnt get to see Manta Rays
We saw Manta Ray again. This time round we saw a super huge one and it was swimming towards and above us!!!! I even saw the underside of the Manta Ray.. Cool to the Max!!
Manta Rays reminded me of the sea creature I have seen in a super old move. I think it's called One way ticket. Someone had dropped a deadly bomb in the sea and they had to deactivate it. However, the bomb is very deep and he had enough air for one trip. So he thougth he would die. When he thought he is going to die, there's this sea creature which looks like manta which rescued him and brought him to his "home". In there, there's space which it can seperate the water so that he can breathe. Then this whole thing raise and floated onto the surface of the sea and he's rescued.. Not sure if anybody have seen this movie.. haha
We also saw Nudy Branch and Puffer Fish which is as big as 1m... Really looked like a box..
Third Dive: Drift dive at Doya Pakeh
Drift dive is quite challenging.. Cos sometimes need to swim again the current and to catch up with the dive instructor.
The main highlight was the huge patch of corals on the sea bed which looks like a field of lavenders. Amongst the corals, fat and cute star fishes were spotted. =)
With this, it ended the GREAT 2nd day of diving.. =)
It's our second day of diving in Bali. We will be going to Sanur Dive site for our second day of dive. It will be a boat dive.. I thought it will be better than the first day.. .. but there's something else which bothers me.. sea sickness.. the sea was super choppy... I thought i had it under controlled..
First Dive: Manta Point - The place to see Manta Rays
A fruitful dive.. Cos Manta Rays were sighted, White Tips shark and Black Tips shark... Super cool.. The White tip was resting on the sea bed.. Then it awokened from it's sleep, then it started to swim around us.
After I'm on the boat, I was feeling quesy.. Then I drank some water.. Then before I could control, I merlioned.. =( I fed my breakfast to the fishes..
Video tt I koped from You tube on Manta Rays- This breed of Manta is different from the one I saw. The front part of the Manta is diff...
Second dive: Manta Point again as some of them didnt get to see Manta Rays
We saw Manta Ray again. This time round we saw a super huge one and it was swimming towards and above us!!!! I even saw the underside of the Manta Ray.. Cool to the Max!!
Manta Rays reminded me of the sea creature I have seen in a super old move. I think it's called One way ticket. Someone had dropped a deadly bomb in the sea and they had to deactivate it. However, the bomb is very deep and he had enough air for one trip. So he thougth he would die. When he thought he is going to die, there's this sea creature which looks like manta which rescued him and brought him to his "home". In there, there's space which it can seperate the water so that he can breathe. Then this whole thing raise and floated onto the surface of the sea and he's rescued.. Not sure if anybody have seen this movie.. haha
We also saw Nudy Branch and Puffer Fish which is as big as 1m... Really looked like a box..
Third Dive: Drift dive at Doya Pakeh
Drift dive is quite challenging.. Cos sometimes need to swim again the current and to catch up with the dive instructor.
The main highlight was the huge patch of corals on the sea bed which looks like a field of lavenders. Amongst the corals, fat and cute star fishes were spotted. =)
The unexpected guest we spotted was mola mola aka sun fish. They looked super weird. To me, it looks like a giant pomfret without tail. I koped a video from youtube for ur easy visualisation. You dont underestimate it's small fins, they can also swim very fast with a single flap of their tiny fins. It was also very cold at the area where it was spotted. When the instructor first pointed us to it, I thought it was a mini whale staying vertically in water. Then I cleared my mask for a better look, i thought it was manta swimming vertically. But it started to swim and I saw it's whole body, then I realised that it was mola mola which I have researched before my trip.. what a surprising moment. Cos this creature looks really huge.. abt 2m in width..
With this, it ended the GREAT 2nd day of diving.. =)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Bali trip: Diving and surfing
It was such a tiring and eventful trip.. Let me bring you thru the things we have done everyday.
Day 1
Met at Changi Airport Terminal 1 at 1240 for our flight at 240 on Garuda Airline. The excitement and adrenaline starts at this moment. Mola Mola, manta rays and sharks which we hope to see during our dives. Surfing lesson with Odessey surf school. Shoppings for cheap board shorts and rash guards.. Good seafood and indonesian food.
We arrived at Dempasah airport in Bali. We anticipated that there will be ppl asking for Taxis but there were done.
We checked into Bukung Sari Hotel at 630pm. ut our stuff and we were out for our first dinner in Bali. We were to a place where there's chinese and muslim food. We ate fried noodle.. the food is so so only.. then we walked around to Semeyak area for drinks and dessert. This place is well known for designer dresses and clothes. Dresses looks nice same goes for the price. Rachel and I order chocolate cake.. The cake is NOT NICE. It's as hard as sponge. We ate less than half of it..
After tt we all went back to the hotel to rest cos we need to leave the hotel at 710am the next day. The dive site is quite far. 3hrs on the bus..
After assembling at the hotel, we went to the dive centre to settle our equipments and wetsuit. Our dive instructor is Jimie and dive guides are Wadu and Heather.
We went to Tulamben dive site for a warm up and familiarisation dive. Rach and I haven dive for a long time while the rest of them r dive masters. So super stress so we will drag the rest down.. But the dive guides r quite good cos they took good care of us.. The 2 of us r in the same group and we had 1 guide to us.. =)
We did 3 dives in 1 day. Initially we thought we had night dive, but there was a miscommunication. There isnt.
We are going to do beach dives which I have not done before. We have to carry all the equipments and walk down the beach then put on the flippers in water.. We had beach porters to carry the tanks with BCD to near the beach area. They are women who's abt my height and they can put 2 tanks attached with BCD on their head. I cant even carry my own tank and they can do 2. I'm super impressed. Nonetheless I empathise them cos it's a very tedious work.

1st dive as at Drop off point. I saw blue spots stingrays. They camoflage at the seabed by covering themselves with sand. Also saw yellow strips angelfish.
~ bluespot stingray~

2nd dive @ Liberty wreck. It's a US ship that was shot down by Japanese in 1942 (WW2). We saw Baracuda, "sand hiding eels" and a wall full of beautiful corals. It's especially nice when u look up the wall and corals and fishes reflecting the sunlight. Sui.

3rd dive @ Coral Garden. The most tedious dive. Cos there's no porter to help us carry our tanks to near the beach area. I had to carry my tank from the preparation area to the beach. We spotted a field of corals on the seabed, lion fish bumphead parrot fish. bumphead and sea turtle r on video. Will upload to you tube first.

Will cont on the rest of the days later cos something wrong with my keyboard.. alot of bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs
Day 1
Met at Changi Airport Terminal 1 at 1240 for our flight at 240 on Garuda Airline. The excitement and adrenaline starts at this moment. Mola Mola, manta rays and sharks which we hope to see during our dives. Surfing lesson with Odessey surf school. Shoppings for cheap board shorts and rash guards.. Good seafood and indonesian food.
We arrived at Dempasah airport in Bali. We anticipated that there will be ppl asking for Taxis but there were done.
We checked into Bukung Sari Hotel at 630pm. ut our stuff and we were out for our first dinner in Bali. We were to a place where there's chinese and muslim food. We ate fried noodle.. the food is so so only.. then we walked around to Semeyak area for drinks and dessert. This place is well known for designer dresses and clothes. Dresses looks nice same goes for the price. Rachel and I order chocolate cake.. The cake is NOT NICE. It's as hard as sponge. We ate less than half of it..
After tt we all went back to the hotel to rest cos we need to leave the hotel at 710am the next day. The dive site is quite far. 3hrs on the bus..
After assembling at the hotel, we went to the dive centre to settle our equipments and wetsuit. Our dive instructor is Jimie and dive guides are Wadu and Heather.
We went to Tulamben dive site for a warm up and familiarisation dive. Rach and I haven dive for a long time while the rest of them r dive masters. So super stress so we will drag the rest down.. But the dive guides r quite good cos they took good care of us.. The 2 of us r in the same group and we had 1 guide to us.. =)
We did 3 dives in 1 day. Initially we thought we had night dive, but there was a miscommunication. There isnt.
We are going to do beach dives which I have not done before. We have to carry all the equipments and walk down the beach then put on the flippers in water.. We had beach porters to carry the tanks with BCD to near the beach area. They are women who's abt my height and they can put 2 tanks attached with BCD on their head. I cant even carry my own tank and they can do 2. I'm super impressed. Nonetheless I empathise them cos it's a very tedious work.
1st dive as at Drop off point. I saw blue spots stingrays. They camoflage at the seabed by covering themselves with sand. Also saw yellow strips angelfish.
~ bluespot stingray~
2nd dive @ Liberty wreck. It's a US ship that was shot down by Japanese in 1942 (WW2). We saw Baracuda, "sand hiding eels" and a wall full of beautiful corals. It's especially nice when u look up the wall and corals and fishes reflecting the sunlight. Sui.
~ baracuda~
~Hiding Eel~
3rd dive @ Coral Garden. The most tedious dive. Cos there's no porter to help us carry our tanks to near the beach area. I had to carry my tank from the preparation area to the beach. We spotted a field of corals on the seabed, lion fish bumphead parrot fish. bumphead and sea turtle r on video. Will upload to you tube first.
Will cont on the rest of the days later cos something wrong with my keyboard.. alot of bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs
Saturday, July 31, 2010
26-31 July
Another busy week.. It has passed so fast tt I dunno what I have done..
I have not seriously blog for a long time.. But seems like tt there's nothing and no time to blog..
Looking forward to the Bali trip on 5th-10th Aug.. Going for 3 days of dive, surfing and shopping.. shiok..
Good nitez..
I have not seriously blog for a long time.. But seems like tt there's nothing and no time to blog..
Looking forward to the Bali trip on 5th-10th Aug.. Going for 3 days of dive, surfing and shopping.. shiok..
Good nitez..
超級星光大道20100730星光傳奇賽_魏如昀_當我們同在一起+The Moment
超級星光大道20100730星光傳奇賽_劉明湘_Besame Mucho+Fly me to the moon
超級星光大道20100730星光傳奇賽_魏如昀_當我們同在一起+The Moment
超級星光大道20100730星光傳奇賽_劉明湘_Besame Mucho+Fly me to the moon
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Resist the pull of The 99 Club
IN an affluent nation such as Singapore, many of us cannot help but get sucked into trying to keep up with the Joneses, with much of our waking time spent striving for material fulfilment. This mentality reminds me of a story sent to me recently by a colleague.
Once upon a time, there lived a king who, despite his opulent lifestyle, was unhappy and discontented. He could not understand why a particular servant in his court always smiled and sang as he worked. He was jealous that the lowly servant had so much joy in him, while he, the supreme ruler of the land, was unhappy and gloomy. The king asked the servant: “Why are you so happy?” The servant replied: “Your Majesty, I am but a servant and my family and I don’t need too much – just a roof over our heads and warm food to fill our stomachs.”
Dissatisfied with the answer, the king turned to his adviser. After pondering for a moment, the adviser said: “Your Majesty, I believe the servant has not been made part of The 99 Club. “To truly know what The 99 Club is, Your Majesty, you need to place 99 gold coins in a bag and leave it at the servant’s doorstep.” Later, when the servant found the bag of coins, he let out a great shout of joy and started to count the coins. He was not convinced that someone would leave only 99 coins at his doorstep and immediately started to wonder where the 100th coin was.Unable to find it after several re-counts, the servant decided that he was going to work harder than ever to earn the extra gold coin and complete his collection.
From that day on, his life changed. The overworked man was horribly grumpy, and he criticised his family severely for not helping him earn the 100th gold coin. He even stopped singing while he worked. Noticing the transformation, the adviser said to the king: “Your Majesty, the servant had now officially joined The 99 Club.”
He added: “The 99 Club is a name given to a group of people who have enough to be happy but are never content, because they are always striving for an extra something, telling themselves that, ‘if I get that, then I will be happy for life’.” There is an obvious moral to this story. No matter where we are, we can be happy, even with very little in our lives – but the minute we are given something bigger and better, we tend to want even more. Chances are that we will lose the joy we used to have when we had less, and may even hurt the people around us by our actions, without realising it.
So, the next time you stumble upon a situation similar to that of being presented with 99 gold coins, count that as a blessing. Do not let what has come your way push you over the edge, and resist the unwelcome membership to The 99 Club.
Extracted form My paper, 17 July 2010. By Geoff Tan
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.1/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.2/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.3/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.4/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.5/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.1/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.2/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.3/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.4/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
康熙來了 2010-07-14 pt.5/5 舞蹈天王天后大對決
2010-07-23 超級星光大道
超級星光大道 20100723 pt.9/12 閻奕格-愛如潮水 - Good
超級星光大道 20100723 pt.11/12 魏如昀-天天想你 - Better
超級星光大道 20100723 pt.8/12 劉明湘-Toxic - Best
超級星光大道 20100723 pt.11/12 魏如昀-天天想你 - Better
超級星光大道 20100723 pt.8/12 劉明湘-Toxic - Best
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A busy and tiring wk..
11/7 Sun: Stayed up to watch World Cup finals, Spain VS Holland at 230am. Spain won during the extension time, 1-0.
12/7 Mon: Totally concussed during work. But had to complete the presentation and review with my GM. Everything went well.. so good.
13/7 Tues: Attended finance workshop at Goodwood park.. Then went out for dinner with my work frens.
14/7 Wed: Also attended workshop. Bought durain puffs for mummy to try. Went to T at night
15/7 Thurs: Went to Sentosa to watch Song of the sea and had dinner at a Thanying -Thai Resturant in Sentosa.
16/7 Fri: Went Eu Yan Seng to see doctor. Feeling that my nasal is choked with mucus and cant seem to get them out, so decided to try chinese medicine. The doctor say i nvr sleep enough, heaty wo... Ya, I shld try to sleep more. Sleep at 11 every nite.. tt's my aim..
17/7 Sat: Wen to attend Malay course at Nacli.. Super sian.. it's raining the morning and yet I had to wake up early.. S**T. But I learnt something
18/7 Sun: There's still Malay course, but I was too tired and lazy to go.. =(( I'm a bad ger.. But I really needed rest and I still have T...
Next few mths. 又有的忙了。。
11/7 Sun: Stayed up to watch World Cup finals, Spain VS Holland at 230am. Spain won during the extension time, 1-0.
12/7 Mon: Totally concussed during work. But had to complete the presentation and review with my GM. Everything went well.. so good.
13/7 Tues: Attended finance workshop at Goodwood park.. Then went out for dinner with my work frens.
14/7 Wed: Also attended workshop. Bought durain puffs for mummy to try. Went to T at night
15/7 Thurs: Went to Sentosa to watch Song of the sea and had dinner at a Thanying -Thai Resturant in Sentosa.
16/7 Fri: Went Eu Yan Seng to see doctor. Feeling that my nasal is choked with mucus and cant seem to get them out, so decided to try chinese medicine. The doctor say i nvr sleep enough, heaty wo... Ya, I shld try to sleep more. Sleep at 11 every nite.. tt's my aim..
17/7 Sat: Wen to attend Malay course at Nacli.. Super sian.. it's raining the morning and yet I had to wake up early.. S**T. But I learnt something
18/7 Sun: There's still Malay course, but I was too tired and lazy to go.. =(( I'm a bad ger.. But I really needed rest and I still have T...
Next few mths. 又有的忙了。。
Saturday, July 17, 2010
2010.07.16[星光大道-星光傳奇賽] 魏如昀VS方炯鑌 Part.09
方炯鑌is damn good. 我喜欢他的假音!! 他是这么做到的??他是香港人吗? 广东话唱的很到位。
原来这首歌是陈奕迅的浮夸。。感觉他的假音比eason好, 比较自然也没那么用力。 我收回。之前听的是CDversion才会有这样觉得。 Eason唱现场也很厉害。
陈奕迅的浮夸for reference
Another version。 王祖藍 - 浮誇 (HD Live KTV) 。I only know that he's a popular comedian in Hong Kong. Dunno that he can sing so well too.
Actually I like the lyrics of this song. 浮誇 means trying 夸大自己的动作来得到别人的组意。 艺人的浮誇不仅是要得到组意,也是没自信的表现。
方炯鑌is damn good. 我喜欢他的假音!! 他是这么做到的??他是香港人吗? 广东话唱的很到位。
陈奕迅的浮夸for reference
Another version。 王祖藍 - 浮誇 (HD Live KTV) 。I only know that he's a popular comedian in Hong Kong. Dunno that he can sing so well too.
Actually I like the lyrics of this song. 浮誇 means trying 夸大自己的动作来得到别人的组意。 艺人的浮誇不仅是要得到组意,也是没自信的表现。
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