Went to recee Marang Trail to Hort Park with YEC. That's my first time walking the trail.. Good exercise and fun =) Woke up early at 730am.. meet them at 8am..


`Hendersen Wave~
Was quite amazed that there are alot of ppl there early in the morning around 10am. Coolz.. little children, parents and grandparents..

~At Hort park;s nice nice chair~
Luv this chair.. =)

~In the nice green plant house~
I hope that I can have a similar house.. Green and clean

~Like this pic~ Great colour combi and bright~

~Us in the mirror~

Had lunch with WL and W at JP. WL and I had Oreo cheesecake at Bakerzin.. Cheesecake @ half price..good deal... tt's all for that wkend.
Went to a seminar on sun..=)
Nothing much happended during the wk.. Goin for the Educational tour to Hort Park tml.. Response was overwhelming.. way to go.. =)
28/3 (Sat)
Went Sao Mu - my grandparents.. didnt go last yr.. finally managed to wake up at 530am.. then was super tired when i reached home and left asleep at 10 t0 130.. then nuah the whole day.. online and stuff loh..
Had to rush to lifesaving today (29/3) after the Hort Park tour.. did very badly today for lifesaving..didnt manage to complete the swim and tow within 315min.. wah piang worse than my first attempt.. my first try today cant even finish cos the person i was towing was sinking.. than i tried again with bren, can finish but finihed at 335min.. sian... getting from bad to worse.. something to consol myself, i tried again at the end of the lesson which is i swam 8 laps, swim 2 and tow 2 laps.. maybe tt's y i'm slower.. really need to swim and exercise more liao.. disappointed.. =(
Need something to look fwd to.. Want to learn hip hop/ singing... hopefully WL can go with me.. =)
tt's all folks..
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